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오늘 포스팅할 노래는 바로... 상당히 유명한 노래였던 것 같은데, 저만 최근에 알게 된 노래인 듯 하네요.
Miley Cyrus의 7 Things라는 곡입니다.
며칠 전에 밤에 잠을 못들고 있던 찰나...
MBC Music채널을 틀어봤는데, 바로 이 노래의 뮤직비디오가 나오고 있더라구요.
한번 들어봤는데 꽤 괜찮은 노래인 것 같아서, 이렇게 한번 포스팅으로 남겨보려고 합니다.
유투브에서 조회를 해보니, 조회수가 무려 16억번이 넘어가네요.
아래는 바로, 이 노래의 뮤직비디오 입니다.
한번 감상해 보실까요?
7 Things by Miley Cyrus
I probably shouldn't say this
But at times I get so scared
when I think about the previous
relationship we shared
It was awesome but we lost it
is't not possibly for me, not to care
And now we're standing in the rain
But nothing's ever gonna change until you hear, my dear
The 7 things I hate about you
The 7 things I hate about you, oh you
You're vain, your games, you're insecure
You love me, you like her
You makeme laugh, you make me cry
I don't know which side to buy
Your freinds, they're jerks
Whenyou act like them, just knowit hurts
I wannabe with the on-e I know
And the 7th thing I hate the most that you do
you make me love you
It's awkward and it's silent
as I wait for you to say
What I need to hear now
Your sincere apology
When you mean it, i'll believe it
If you text it, I'll delete it
Let's be clear
Oh I'm not coming back
You're taking 7 steps here
The 7 things I hate about you
You're vain, your games, you're insecure
You love me, you like her
You makeme laugh, you make me cry
I don't know which side to buy
Your freinds, they're jerks
Whenyou act like them, just knowit hurts
I wannabe with the on-e I know
And the 7th thing I hate the most that you do
You make me love you
And compared to all the great things
that would take too long to write
I probably should mention
the 7 that I like
The 7 things I like about you
Your hair, your eyes, your old levi's
When we kiss I'm hypnotized
You make me laugh, you make me cry
But I guess that's both I'll have to buy
Your hands in mine
Whenwe're intertwined, everything's alright
I wanna be with the on-e I know
And the 7th thing I like most that you do
You make me love you
You do